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AthensVWClub.com Forum Index -> Garage -> 1969 Volkswagen Beetle
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1969 Volkswagen Beetle

Hilite Image

Total Views: 1592
Vehicle 1969 Volkswagen Beetle
Colour L 30 A (17) Royal Red
Updated Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:13 am
Mileage 56000
Purchased Price 600 USD
Total Mods 0
Total Spent 0 USD
Total Views 66255
Rating 20/20
Please Rate
Description Bought the car in 1987, drove it for two years then stored it till Oct 2008. Since then, it's been a work in progress :)

Vehicle Pictures

Rolling Road Runs
Dynocenter BHP BHP Type Torque Torque Type Boost Boost Type Nitrous Peakpoint
37.00 wheel 0.00 0.00 0 0.000
